
Regular Chicken Chaser Walks

Regular community walks, which we call Chicken Chaser Walks (don’t ask), are planned just about each month to help us explore our wonderful network of footpaths and bridleways whilst enjoying the company of friends old and new – including the four legged variety. Visitors to the village will be made very welcome.

Most walks seem to start and finish very conveniently at The Three Horseshoes pub.

Walks are well advertised on this website, on our Chapmanslade Village Community Facebook page and in the Bridge Magazine. Do come along and join us.

Jaimie’s Chicken Chaser Walks

Here are some of Jaimie’s favorite walks for you to explore yourself. They are all circular walks starting and finishing at the Three Horseshoes pub (where else?). Keep looking because Jaimie will be adding walks from time to time.