Inside the Village Hall


Welcome to the Chapmanslade Parish Council Website.

We hope that the contents of the website reflects the work of the councillors, who have been elected to the council and that you will be able to easily find the information you require through the Minutes and through the documents provided.

The Parish Council usually meets in The Village Hall on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm.and Agendas and meeting dates are published on the website and notices placed on the Village Notice Board between the Village School and Church, in advance of the meetings.

The public are welcome to join the meetings and raise questions on matters on the Agenda in an open session.

This is a thriving community with many interesting groups with which to engage.

If you require any further information please contact the Clerk at ChapmansladePC@yahoo.co.uk


Highways Improvements  Please see updated planned road closures available from the following link https://www.chapmansladepc.org.uk/parish-council/highway-improvements/

Village Hall Bookings  Please note that Village Hall Bookings are not managed by the Parish Council. However contact links can be found on this website by opening the News tab above or  Village Hall Bookings on the Popular Links tab on the banner above.

Parish Council Meeting
Village Hall 7.30 p.m.
Parish Council Meeting
Village Hall 7.30 p.m.
Parish Council Meeting
Village Hall 8pm following the Annual Parish meeting
Annual Parish Meeting
Village Hall 7.00 pm
Annual Parish Meeting